Differential Pressure/Pressure

CKAS-8102DPT/GPT Remote Transfer Differential Single flange/double flange Transmitter

  CKAS-8102 DP/GP remote transmission differential pressure/pressure transmitter.which can avoid the medium to be tested directly a reliable method of measuring contactwith the isolation diaphragm of the transmitter is applicable in the followingcircumstances:

The tested medium corrodes the transmitter connector and sensitive components;

It is necessary to isolate the high-temperature tested medium from the transmitter;

The measured medium has solids in suspension or high viscosity that can easily block  the transmitter connector and pressure chamber.

The medium to be tested is easy to cure or crystallize by leading out the pressure pipe'

When the measured medium needs to be washed and cannot be mixed

Health conditions must be maintained to prevent pollution.

  The CKAS-8102DP/GP differential pressure/pressure transmitter with remote transmissionsealing device still features the performance of the CKAS-8102DP/GP differentialpressure/pressure transmitter. A variety of structural materials are provided for the weldingstructure of remote transmission device components with high reliability. The low-volumedesign of the liquid-filled chamber reduces the influence of temperature, and the usagetemperature of DC200 series Silicon oil is -40 + 149°C according to the user's requirement; theusage temperature of high-temperature Silicon oil is -20~+ 315C.

  The maximum working pressure of the remote transmission device is the rated valueselected by the user; the working pressure is not less than 3.5 kPa (absolute pressure). Forcorrosive media, the selection of isolation diaphragm materials is shown in the Appendix.which can only be used as a reference for user selection.

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