Annubar Flowmeter

Annubar Flowmeter

  Annubar flow meter is an ideal replacement fororifice plates due to its easy installation,lowpressure loss,high strength, freedom from wearand tear and no leakage. Annubar flow meter canbe widely used for flow measurement of blastfurnace gas,compressed air, steam and otherliquids and gases in industrial and miningenterprises.

  • Exclusive internal quadratic averaging structure provides high accuracy (+1% of reading) andhigh repeatability(+0.1%).

  • The outer impact tube is made from a single piece of material without welding, which naturallyprovides the highest strength compared to similar products made from a two-body structure withwelding, and also facilitates the selection of materials that are resistant to high temperatures anocorrosion.

  • Honeycomb hexagonal stabilization structure produces a unique flow beam distribution shapethat ensures a stable low pressure signal, generating a higher differential pressure than similarproducts and improving the range ratio.

  • Suitable for square or rectangular pipelines.

  • For the inevitable clogging problem of similar products when measuring dirty media, in-lineextractable types or manual and automatic purging solutions and devices are available for non-

  • stop maintenance.Equalizer tube + triple valve set + temperature and pressure compensation + transmitter, formingan integrated structure that is easy to use.

  • No flow coefficient drift, stable over time.

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